Trains go from London Paddington to Bodmin Parkway are every hour. You will need to book a taxi in advance to go from Bodmin Parkway to Port Isaac as they are normally heavily booked up all year round. The taxi ride to Port Isaac should take about 40 mins and cost around £60.
Please do book in advance if you are taking a taxi from the station as they get really booked up especially during the summer months. If you need a local Taxi Number please try Marc Meacher on +44 7866 223786.
Driving By Car
The postcode for the cottage is PL29 3RD. Suggest you park up just outside Little Lanroc to off-load, and then meander up the hill where there are various car parks for the public to use. We find the M4/M5/A30 route the quickest from London, and then if you take the North Cornwall exit off the A30 there should be signposts to Wadebridge and then Port Isaac. If in doubt, check your Sat Nav :).